Articles Tagged with business law

This week, Richard Cordray handed in his resignation as head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The early resignation comes at a time of increased criticism over current financial regulations and an uncertain outlook for many regulatory bodies. The CFPB especially, has been subject of intense criticism from the financial industry as overbearing and stifling.

As Director, Cordray was very much the face and voice of the bureau. Under Cordray, the Consumer Bureau held very close to the guiding tenets under which it was created: to protect financial consumers from unethical behavior. His departure leaves senior officials in the bureau and supporting lawmakers scrambling to secure the future of the CFPB against a regulatory overhaul.

What exactly is the CFPB?

What is an LLC?

You have a marketable skill or talent and want to start your own business. You have heard the term “LLC” before and you know it has something to do with small-business. You might even know that LLC stands for limited-liability company, but what exactly does that mean?

There are a lot of questions would-be entrepreneurs may have about LLCs. What are they? Why are they needed? Should I form one?

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